
Four Major Hidden Costs Of Disposing Medical Waste

Source: Carmelo Hannity, The Global Dispatch The disposal of medical waste may seem like pretty straightforward process. Although the regulations of medical waste disposal have changed over the years, the safety and environmental concerns surrounding such waste

Kaiser Permanente on a Mission to Become Carbon Positive

Health system strives to become carbon positive with full recycling of nonhazardous waste.   Re-emphasizing its commitment to sustainability, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, Calif., is pursuing ambitious new environmental goals that include becoming carbon positive, buying

Setting Health Care EPP Pr ior ities

Practice Greenhealth provides an insightful overview of environmentally preferable purchasing (EPP) practices that are beneficial not only to end users but also to the entire supply chain. The Practice Greenhealth Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program enables health care facilities to

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