Ten Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers in Southern California received environmental excellence awards from Practice Greenhealth in recognition of their efforts to reduce waste and prevent pollution.  Kaiser Permanente was presented the awards at the 2013 CleanMed conference , an annual premier national environmental gathering for leaders in health care sustainability.

“At Kaiser Permanente, implementing the ‘Three R Strategy’ – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – has been fundamental to our practices and a driver to meet our environmental stewardship goals,” said Scott Wendling, regional executive of support services and chief energy officer for the Kaiser Permanente Southern California Region. “Last year in Southern California alone, we diverted 1.1 million pounds of recycled material and 168,000 pounds of reprocessed medical devices that would have otherwise ended up in landfills. We are continuously looking for opportunities to maximize the total health of our community and of our environment because it is both our responsibility and the right thing to do.”

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