EP Lab Digest
March 22, 2011
Calculator Quantifies Financial and Environmental Impact of Reprocessing Medical Devices
Ascent, a division of Stryker Corporation, continues its commitment to supporting quality healthcare delivery with the introduction of a new tool that calculates the financial and environmental impact of reprocessing. The first-of-its-kind calculator, available on the Ascent website, estimates the cost savings and waste reduction potential for a hospital if it focuses on reprocessing as a best practice. The tool is designed to help hospitals understand the potential results reprocessing can deliver based on their size and program utilization.
“Hospitals across the country are closely analyzing supply costs for ways to improve bottom line numbers and quality of care. For a hospital that is looking for creative solutions to cut costs, the Ascent calculator offers tangible data that can be used to estimate the financial impact of reprocessing,” said Lars Thording, Senior Director of Marketing and Public Affairs, Ascent. “The numbers speak for themselves. After using this tool, we hope more hospitals will see reprocessing as a smart way to improve supply chain operations, thus enabling resource diversion to support other quality care initiatives.”…
…Reprocessing programs are currently employed by more than half of the U.S. News & World Report“Honor Roll” hospitals. Hospitals that are already implementing reprocessing programs can utilize the calculator to understand the potential for additional savings. For a hospital that is only reprocessing in the OR, for example, the calculator can estimate how much more could be saved if the program were expanded to include the EP lab, non-invasive devices, or open/unused or expired devices…
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