The following article appeared in the January 2012 issue of Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Published by Kirby Harvey, RT, ST

We recently sent out $4,000 worth of single-use devices for reprocessing and received most of them back for $1,600. Not bad, right? FDA-approved third-party vendors safely reprocess many of your most common disposables and sell them back to you for half to one-third the cost of new. It’s a relatively easy way to cut overhead costs without compromising patient safety, and yet many surgical facilities still aren’t taking advantage of it. I’ve found that there are 2 big hurdles to clear when transitioning from single-use-only to reprocessing: getting buy-in from surgeons and staff, and finding the right service to suit your needs.
Overcome the stigma
Healthcare providers tend to have a one-track mind: It’s all about the patient. The idea of reusing a device that says “single-use only” clearly on the label leaves many of us uneasy — and rightfully so. A good way to overcome this unease is to conduct your own QI study of the safety and efficacy of reprocessed single-use devices…

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