Practice Greenhealth is currently running a contest among its members and “Greening the OR” participants for photographs that best capture “sustainable innovations” in the operating room or surgical department. Please take a moment to check out this great opportunity and compete for the chance to win two free registrations to CleanMed 2014, the premier conference for promoting sustainable initiatives in healthcare!

Greening the OR: Innovation Image Photo Contest

What does Greening the OR mean to you? Tell your story through the photo.
Practice Greenhealth is asking for Greening the OR participants and members to submit an image that captures sustainable innovation in the operating room or surgical department. This contest is your opportunity to highlight your creativity and hard work-take a photograph that captures how you reduce costs while also reducing waste, energy, and worker and patient exposure to hazardous chemicals.
1. Promote sustainable innovations and successes in health care and your surgical department through a photograph and appropriate description.
2. Highlight how Practice Greenhealth and the Greening the OR program has helped you achieve your goals.
Have fun, make it interesting, and capture what Greening the OR means to you and your organization.
You may enter more than one image, but each will be judged independently based on content, creativity, and context. These images will be featured in the opening sessions of CleanMed 2013, on the Practice Greenhealth site, and in the Greenhealth Magazine.
The winning image will receive two free registrations to CleanMed 2014 in Cleveland, OH and one free download of all CleanMed 2013 content!

Click Here to Submit Your Photo