WHAT: Greening the OR: Single Use Device Reprocessing in the OR
WHEN: Wednesday, December 7, 2011, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
WHERE: www.practicegreenhealth.org
Summary (from PGH website):

“Healthcare organizations are increasingly recognizing that third-party reprocessing of medical devices labeled “single use” is a safe and effective process that can help redirect valuable financial resources back into patient care while significantly reducing the volume of regulated medical waste generated by the organization and reducing the operating room’s (OR) supply budget. The US FDA stringently regulates the reprocessing of these devices and requires third party reprocessors to meet the same quality and safety standards as originally manufactured single-use devices. Reprocessing of single-use devices is now common practice in many ORs, with all of US News and World Report’s “Honor Roll” hospitals choosing to reprocess single-use devices, and 77% of Practice Greenhealth Award winners in 2010 choos­ing to reprocess medical devices for a combined savings of more than $10.8 million. Despite the widespread adoption of this practice, many healthcare institutions continue to meet resistance from skeptical surgeons or clinicians – driven in large part by education from original equipment manufacturers with a vested interest in getting clinical staff to back the continued purchase of disposable devices rather than the less expensive reprocessed versions. Come and learn how two different health systems have worked with their clinical staff, administrators and ORs to set up safety-based, high quality programs for reprocessing FDA-approved single-use medical devices and have reaped the financial rewards and environmental benefits related to this program.”

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