Eco RI News reports that twenty percent of hospital waste comes from the operating room.  In an effort to encourage more hospital sustainability, Hospitals for a Healthy Environment in Rhode Island (H2ERI) has presented their inaugural Rhode Island Environmental Sustainability Awards. H2ERI, started in 2011, is a coalition of hospitals that meet to make their practices more environmentally friendly.  There are two categories for awards: Sustainable Operations and Environmental Champions.  For the Sustainable Operations Award, Kent Hospital has been awarded for recycling rates that have gone from 19 to 30 percent in a couple of years.

 Recycling was one of the main things that was focused on.  Some hospitals do it more than others. Having a number tied to it allows for comparison.
Organizers said the March 21 event was created as an opportunity to celebrate and educate the attendants about environmental work at hospitals. “It’s not just about giving the award but sharing this information to teach other hospitals,” Bindu Panikkar, the event organizer said.

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