Spend Matters takes a look at the supply chain and offers up its own RX for bringing down costs in healthcare. In the recent article titled “Hospitals Can No Longer Afford to Pay the Bill for Increased Manufacturer Profitability,” author Tom Finn highlights procurement, OEM relationships with doctors, the role of GPOs, and a promising trend: value-based purchasing. Finn states that “value-based purchasing (VBP) initiatives are now redefining the behavior of hospital supply chains…Simply put, U.S. hospitals can no longer afford the rhythms that previously defined their supplier relationships, and, thankfully, changes in reimbursement policy are helping.”
Of note – Finn acknowledges the benefits of reprocessing and how reprocessing “provides a sustainable, program-based cost savings but also helps level a playing field that has been tilted one way for far too long.” Read the full article here.