Stanford University Medical Center and Gundersen Health System have joined other major hospital systems in the Healthier Hospitals Initiative (HHI), a collaboration of leading health care institutions united to help speed the health care sector toward environmental sustainability.  These leading hospital systems are partnering with the other organizations to provide expertise, resources, and technical assistance to help hospitals incorporate sustainability into their everyday operations.

 “Stanford University Medical Center is proud to be a Sponsoring System of HHI in the effort to bring environmentally friendly practices to hospitals across the country,” said Krisanne Hanson, Director of Sustainability. “Hospitals face unique challenges when it comes to engaging leadership and staff in reducing energy and waste, serving healthier foods, using safer chemicals and environmentally preferable products, and through this partnership we hope to advance the movement.”
“As health care organizations, it is important for us to lead by example and improve our environmental footprint in the communities we serve. Gundersen Health System has been actively engaged in green practices for years and our work toward sustainability has paid off,” stated Gundersen Health System CEO Jeff Thompson, M.D. “We are pleased to be a sponsoring system of HHI and help other healthcare systems learn how they can implement successful sustainability programs in their own communities.”

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