US Air Force News
By 81st Medical Group Public Affairs

11/21/2011 – KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. — The Keesler Hospital’s operating room is once again “going green.”
…”With the Department of Defense’s budget shrinking and the rising cost of health care, we are ‘going green’ without jeopardizing the standard of care or safety of our patients,” [Capt. Wendy] Wilkins said
…Keesler is one of 19 military medical treatment facilities in 11 states currently participating in the reprocessing program. This year alone, DOD has seen $2,169,926 in device savings and kept 33 tons of medical waste from landfills.
“We’re one of the first Air Force facilities to take advantage of reprocessing supplies and the first Air Force medical treatment facility to initiate the recoupment of expired and unopened disposables,” Wilkins commented. “We’re just scratching the surface. Our OR team has passed the word to other areas, such as the gastroenterology clinic, catheterization/electrophysiology lab and infection control.

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