Break Free from Plastic: 188 Groups Say it’s Time to ‘Make the Throw-Away Go Away’
Before the 1950s and 60s, the majority of the products we produced and consumed were built to last. Milk bottles made of glass were returned and sterilized for re-use, restaurants offered ceramic plates and stainless-steel
CBC News: Why Hospitals are Beginning to Reuse or Recycle Oxygen Masks, IV Bags, Drills They Used to Throw Out
It may not be intuitive, but safely reusing medical equipment that has been previously used by doctors or patients can help hospitals save on health care costs, prevent supply shortages and have beneficial knock-on effects
Legal Framework: Belgium
Belgium published guidelines for the remanufacturing of single use medical devices in January 2021: > Loi relative aux dispositifs médicaux
Legal Framework: Netherlands
The Netherlands published guidelines for the remanufacturing of single use medical devices in April 2020: >> Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Legal Framework: Germany
The legal basis for reprocessing under German law (MP Betreiber V) changes on May 26 2021 and will be replaced by medical remanufacturing in accordance with MDR. There are two options: 1) Medical remanufacturing with CE certification Legal basis is Article
Fraunhofer: New Study Shows: Restored Medical Products Can Protect the Climate
Plastics offer very good properties, are often durable materials and are used in all possible areas - from packaging to the construction industry to medicine. If plastic products are circulated for as long as possible, the